What is safeguarding?
Safeguarding refers to the processes in place that protect children and adults at risk from harm. They aim to protect a person’s right to live in safety, free from abuse or neglect.
Abuse or neglect can often be prevented if concerns are raised as early as possible and in Leeds we call this early intervention.
Services in Leeds work together to support safeguarding including health, local authority, police and other third sector services. This also allows work with individuals and families to be coordinated, reducing duplication and improving outcomes.
Children services
Children’s services support children and young people, along with their families, up to the age of 18 years. Children’s social services will triage any referrals received and send it to the most appropriate service, supporting early intervention. Learn more about children’s services on the Leeds City Council website.
Adult services
Adult services support people aged 18 years and over, with care and support needs. Adult social care can be contacted where there is an identified need for care and support or to report abuse. Learn more about adult services on the Leeds City Council website.
What to do if you need help
If you have been hurt by anybody, or someone has done something that makes you feel unsafe or scared, it is important that you tell somebody you trust so that you can get the support and protection you need. Everybody who works or volunteers with children, young people and vulnerable adults has a responsibility to protect them from harm.
More information
For more information on different types of abuse, you can visit the Leeds Safeguarding Children Partnership website or the Leeds Safeguarding Adults Board website.