Treatments paid for by the NHS

Lead: NHS West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (NHS WY ICB)

Partners: The Leeds Office of the WY ICB

Period: 25th May 2023 - 21st Jun 2023

We are looking at how we spend our money in the NHS in West Yorkshire, and what treatments we pay for.

Brief description of the project

Up to now, some of the treatments the NHS pays for have been different depending on where you live.

We are reviewing our commissioning policies to make sure everyone gets the same access to treatments, wherever they live in West Yorkshire. This will also make sure all our policies are in line with the latest expert advice.

We have looked at 32 commissioning policies so far. One of the policies that is changing is gluten free prescribing, and this will affect people in Leeds. We propose to stop gluten free prescribing in Leeds to bring it into line with other areas in WY.

Who did we speak to?

We spoke to people in Leeds who receive gluten-free prescriptions. We contacted people by letter through their GP practice and asked local pharmacies and Coeliac UK to promote the involvement.

We received 192 responses from people in Leeds.

What did we ask?

We shared information about this involvement and asked for people to tell us their views on our proposal to stop gluten-free prescribing in Leeds.

What did people tell us?

People who currently receive gluten free prescriptions told us that the decision to stop prescribing gluten free products would have an impact on them or their household. They told us that:

  • People do not support the proposal and want gluten-free products to continue to be prescribed in Leeds.
  • Many mentioned that eating gluten-free food is not a lifestyle choice and people with coeliac disease have to eat gluten-free food to stay healthy.
  • Some people mentioned how the number of items available on prescription had already been reduced to just bread and flour.
  • A few people mentioned that they didn’t realise that they could receive gluten-free products on prescription.

Read the full report below:

What are we doing?

On 31 October 2023, the ICB Transformation Committee approved the recommendation to stop gluten-free prescribing in Calderdale and Leeds to bring them in line with the other areas in West Yorkshire. This does not include prescribing for phenylketonuria (PKU) which is a separate policy.

How can you help?

We can’t improve health and care without your help. Join the Leeds Involving You network to find out more about our work and get involved.

Get in touch

You can read more about this involvement and get in touch on the WY ICB website here:


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