FAQs – 23.09.2022 (99KB)
In order to view PDF documents you will need Adobe PDF ReaderQuestions about the closure:
Why is Sunfield Medical Centre closing?
After many years of serving the community, Dr Kenneth McGechean is retiring at the end of March 2023.
Why is another practice or GP not taking over the surgery?
The practice building was originally designed to be a residential property rather than a medical centre. This means it is not suitable for the delivery of high-quality modern and accessible healthcare services. As a commissioner of healthcare services, the Integrated Care Board (ICB) in Leeds needs to plan and fund health services that best meet local needs. Given the constraints of the building and the proximity of Hillfoot Surgery, which is 1.6 miles from Sunfield Medical Centre, it is felt that this is the best available option to ensure patients continue to receive high standards of care in their area.
What will happen to the building once Sunfield Medical Centre closes?
The building is privately owned by the retiring GP and another retired colleague and the owners will make any decisions about the future of the premises.
Questions about the merger with Hillfoot Surgery
Does this mean that I must transfer to Hillfoot from Sunfield, or do I have a choice of practices?
All patients have a choice of which surgery they wish to be registered with. The merger with Hillfoot means that if you do nothing, your medical records will automatically transfer when Sunfield Medical Centre closes; you don’t have to do anything. This will ensure a seamless transfer of care. It also means that the existing Sunfield Medical Centre clinical and administrative staff will transfer their contracts of employment to Hillfoot Surgery.
From 1 April 2023, you will ring Hillfoot Surgery for an appointment or visit their website to access their electronic consultation service. (https://www.hillfootsurgery.co.uk/). The surgery is open Monday to Friday 7.30am to 6.30pm and the electronic consultation service operates between the hours of 8am and 12md each day
If you do not wish to transfer to Hillfoot you can register at another practice as long as you live in their catchment area. The NHS GP finder website at www.nhs.uk/service-search/find-a-GP is helpful in finding out about practices near to you.
Does this mean that it will be more difficult to get an appointment, now there will be more patients at Hillfoot?
To manage the increase in patient numbers, Hillfoot Surgery is employing an additional full time GP ahead of the merger. Once employed they will undertake sessions at Sunfield Medical Centre before the merger takes place. This means that the patients at Sunfield will have some continuity of care and will enable Dr McGechean to have a managed handover. The existing nursing team at Sunfield will also transfer over, which will increase the number of appointments available at Hillfoot Surgery.
Questions about changes to services
Will the opening hours be changing?
The opening hours at Hillfoot Surgery are the same as Sunfield Medical Centre, except that Hillfoot does not switch their phone lines off at lunchtime. They remain open all day. In addition, weekend appointments will continue to be offered as they always have been., using the existing hub services which have been located at the Gables surgery since their introduction in 2017
Will I still be able to book an appointment using online access?
Yes, you will. That remains unchanged. If you choose to remain at Hillfoot you can use your existing login details from 1 April 2023
Will I still be able to book a home visit?
If you are a patient who, due to medical reasons is unable to leave the house to attend the surgery, we will continue to provide home visits where appropriate. We are working with the other member practices of West Leeds Primary Care Network to continue to develop home visits, especially for more vulnerable patients such as people who are frail, elderly and have limited mobility.
Will I still be invited for my long-term condition annual review?
Yes, you will be contacted to make an appointment when it is due, which is usually your birth month each year.
I currently use the Wells Pharmacy next to Sunfield Medical Centre. If the surgery and pharmacy close, how would I get my medication?
You can choose to access your medicines from any community pharmacy. There are several different options for doing this:
- Your prescription can be sent electronically from any practice to a community pharmacy of your choice. Or it can be printed and given to you to take to your chosen community pharmacy.
- Some local community pharmacies may offer a delivery service.
- There are also distance selling pharmacies, commonly known as internet or online pharmacies, which provide their services remotely (non-face to face). This is another way to obtain your prescribed medication.
Patients can choose which pharmacy they wish to use, there are currently ten community pharmacies within a mile radius of Sunfield Medical Centre
Further information about community pharmacies in your local area, including opening times and services, can be found at www.nhs.uk