Patient information and survey

Lead: nhs-leeds-ccg

Below is the patient information and survey questions we are providing to patients after their spasticity management appointments.


Survey and information for patients – Microsoft Word version (18KB)

Survey and information for patients (115KB)

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Spasticity Clinic at St Mary’s Hospital

During your spasticity management appointments, you are seen by a consultant in rehabilitation medicine. Sometimes if you are already seeing an occupational therapist or a physiotherapist, they may also attend the appointment with you.

We are reviewing how these clinic appointments are run, and one area we are considering changing is for a physiotherapist with a specialist understanding of spasticity and movement to join the clinic.

We are running a six-month trial to assess if having both a consultant and a specialist physiotherapist working together in clinic will lead to an improvement in your care.

As part of the trial your feedback is crucial.  We would love to hear what you think and would be grateful if you could complete the survey below.


I am filling in this survey as:

  • patient
  • a carer/family member
  • other

Is this your first appointment with the spasticity clinic?

  • Yes
  • No

Before your appointment, were you aware you were being referred to the spasticity clinic?

Did you know what this appointment was for?

How much did you know about what was going to be discussed and did you have any ideas about the sorts of treatments that would be used?

Would you have wanted more information in advance of the appointment? If so, about what and how would you prefer to receive this kind of information? e.g. letter, leaflet, email, video, other

How did you find seeing a doctor and a physiotherapist together at one appointment?

Do you think it made your experience better, compared to seeing just one health care professional?

In what way?

Were you aware of what you wanted to achieve from the appointment?

We sometimes call this the ‘goal’ of your treatment or your rehab, for example, it might help you to walk more easily, reduce pain or wear a splint more comfortably. Do you think the goal was clear?

Do you feel you are on the path to achieving this?

Did the clinic help with this?

What, in your, opinion would make this clinic better?

Are you currently seeing any other healthcare professionals?

Is there anything else you would like to tell us?

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