How are you doing, Leeds?

Lead: Leeds Health and Care Partnership

Period: 7th Jul 2022 - 15th Sep 2022

The 10-week online and print questionnaire is part of a survey by the Leeds Health and Care Partnership (LCHP) of citizens’ experiences and feelings about health and care services.

Brief description of project

When we talk to people in Leeds, a consistent theme that comes out as a priority is mental health and wellbeing. We had already planned to launch a conversation with people about this and build a picture of their experiences and views of health and care services in Leeds, particularly mental health services and care. With the continuing pandemic and cost of living crisis, the partnership felt there was no better time to carry out the survey.

Who did we speak to? 

The questionnaire was open to everybody aged 16 and older who is living in Leeds.

What and how did we ask?

The questionnaire asked about people’s wellbeing, whether they have used services, and their experiences if they have used mental health and care services. Everybody was asked for their views about the range and type of services available. Free-text boxes were included to provide more information if people wish to.

The questionnaire was available online and in print in English, Bengali, Urdu, Punjabi, Arabic and Polish. Copies in other languages were available in print. It could be accessed through a QR code or a weblink. The information collected enabled LHCP to ensure the strategy meets the needs of Leeds’ communities.

What did people tell us?

People’s feedback helped inform the updated strategy. You can read it below:

Leeds mental health strategy 2022

How can you help?

We can’t improve health and care without your help. Join the Leeds Involving You network to find out more about our work and get involved.

What are we doing? 

You can read the updated strategy above, which was informed by people’s feedback.

We expect to out another survey in every year when, as well as asking for new information, we will check with you on our progress.

Get in touch

If you have any questions about this engagement, please email the project team at [email protected]

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