1. Introduction

The Healthy Leeds Plan sets out the health and care contribution towards achieving this vision. The plan outlines our five year strategic vision and focuses on equitable access, excellent experience, and optimal outcomes for people living in Leeds, ensuring we get the best value from Leeds public money.

1. Introduction

Our vision is for Leeds to be a healthy and caring city for all ages where people who are the poorest improve their health the fastest, as set out in the Leeds Health and Wellbeing Strategy.

The Healthy Leeds Plan sets out the health and care contribution towards achieving this vision. It describes the outcomes we want to achieve for the people of Leeds and our plans for doing so. It also outlines our five-year strategic vision, as well as setting out a detailed one-year operational plan to achieve local, regional, and national priorities. In delivering our plan, we will focus on equitable access, excellent experience, optimal outcomes and ensuring we get the best value from the Leeds pound (NHS Triple Aim)

The principles of our Health and Care Partnership underpin how we work together to deliver on our ambition and vision as set out in the Leeds Health and Wellbeing Strategy:

  • We start with people: working with people instead of doing things to them or for them, maximising the assets, strengths and skills of Leeds’ people, communities, paid and unpaid carers, and workforce.
  • We are Team Leeds: working as if we are one organisation, being kind, taking collective responsibility for and following through on what we have agreed. Difficult issues are put on the table, with a high support, high challenge attitude.
  • We deliver: prioritising actions over words. Using intelligence, every action focuses on what difference we will make to improving outcomes and quality and making best use of the Leeds pound.

Starting with people means listening to their experiences of health and care services and acting on what matters to them. We will ensure that service changes and improvements across the city are undertaken with people at the centre and in line with what matters to them: better communication with people; effective co-ordination of health and care services; and compassion in the delivery of services.

To ensure the Healthy Leeds Plan addresses local needs alongside regional and national priorities, this document also represents our contribution to the West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (ICB) Joint Forward Plan (JFP), the West Yorkshire Integrated Care Strategy  and the NHS Long Term Plan.


Contents – Explore the Healthy Leeds Plan

  1. Introduction
  2. Our city and vision
  3. Our goals
  4. Population Health infrastructure
  5. Identifying our strategic initiatives
  6. Our plans
  7. Enablers
  8. Summary and next steps
  9. Appendix One: Leeds Operational Plan – Anticipated trajectories
  10. Appendix Two: Leeds Operational Plan Implementation

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